Friday, February 8, 2008

Frankenstein Party at the Glenn's

Ellen had over about 15 of her classmates to watch the old Boris Karloff version of Mary Shelley's, Frankenstein. They just finished reading the book in class. According to the crowd, the movie was nothing like the book, but it was good nonetheless. Everyone seemed to have a great time. The attached picture is of one of Ellen's classmates, Peter Holt. This is how he looks normally - he is a Siamese's twin joined at the elbow. Both of them are very "happy jolly " fellows -- so Ellen tells me.

After the party was over, Clint had a great one-liner. He was wandering aimlessly around the kitchen after having enjoyed the company of Ellen's classmates for the last several hours. Now that they were all gone and the party was over, Clint turns to me and say something to the effect of "Dad, it's tough adjusting to the after-party attitude. I just don't like it. It's like taking a shower. I just don't want to do it!"

We make Clint shower at least once each month for those of you who are wondering!

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