Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Friends House Burns In California Fires

We heard some very sad news today from our dear friends near San Diego. After visiting with Karen, Lauren and Graham Gantzer last weekend, October 14 & 15 (Jerry and Kyle were vacationing in Cabo San Lucas taking advantage of the free trip Kyle and his homeschooling buddy won on Wheel of Fortune), we were crushed to hear that their beautiful mountain-top home was consumed by the Southern California fires. Apparently, they lost everything except for what they could throw in their car in 20 minutes! (The picture to the above is NOT the Gantzer's house. I is a picture I pulled off the web. But come to think of it, it was SOMEBODY'S house!)

This link will take you to a satellite picture of what used to be there home: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=Ramona,+CA&ie=UTF8&ll=33.082054,-116.738325&spn=0.00378,0.006223&t=h&z=18&om=1

According to what we hear, everyone is safe, but they've lost essentially everything they own.

For those of you who don't know the Gantzers, Karen (Leslie) was Mary's roommate in college and maid of honor in our wedding. We met Jerry after Karen met him. Jerry is the facilities manager at Oakbridge a Young Life Camp immediately adjacent to their home. He has been there roughly 10 years. Apparently, the camp sustained some substantial damage also.

Here's a link to the camp's website you might find interesting: http://sites.younglife.org/camps/Oakbridge/Open%20Content%20Pages/SouthernCaliforniaFire.aspx

Your prayers are appreciated -- Jerry, Karen, Kyle (who traveled to Germany with me this summer), Lauren (beautiful young lady and a great swimming talent) and Graham (a football, baseball, and all around good athlete).

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